As most of you know, when i was 9 i had my right leg amputated.. before that i was confined to wearing a brace and black high top ugly boy's wing tip oxfords... so of course i awoke to 13 pair of shoes after surgery! it was worth every stitch. Shoes in any color imaginable! And the addiction began. Everyone constantly spoiled me with shoes, and to this day, I never have enough shoes.
Now in retrospect, i realize my mother is worse than i am. It was a gradual thing, a new pair here and there. Now completely out of control, so much Dad actually found "over the door" racks that he put on the inside of every single closet in their home, and mom proceeded to easily fill each rack. And she didn't have to purchase new ones to do it.
Then we have my daughters.
My older daughter is a bit more bohemian. She prefers Crocs (ugh!) in every color and style imaginable, flip flops (same criteria, every color) and anything that glitters. Make it camo flats that sparkle? she wants them in every color please. I think she is part Crow, if it sparkles she loves it, especially in footwear.
When my youngest daughter left for college, a cousin visiting here offered to take her shoes to her, since we couldn't get them on the airplane. Imagine his surprise when we carried FOUR of the huge black Lawn & leaf bags to his truck. The expression on his face was priceless. Men just don't understand women & shoes.
So of course at any estate sale, I run for the bedroom. For lingerie, then shoes & purses. Not necessarily in that order... depending on what catches my eye. It never ceases to amaze me that people can posses these fabulous shoes, and never wear them! So many are classic styles that are just timeless, others very vintage that are fabulous and often trendy again!
You won't find many shoes in my shop~ but i do promise the ones you do find are fabulous! and know the rest of them went to a good home, my family!
Here are some in my vintage outlet ecrater store:
50s aligator platform shoes 5AAA
classic Bass Loafers size 9
gray peep toe pumps size 8AA
Rocakbilly Hush puppies 6.5
And look what i found in Raia's Gurlz ecrater boutique in hard to find larger sizes :
fredericks strappy stiletto size 12
St. John Sparkles ~ size 11
red hot stiletto's ~size 10