As a former classic rock radio disc jockey, of course I love rock and roll, actually music of all formats from blues and jazz, country, to rock and hip hop. Watching the Grammy's used to be "mandatory" and truly part of the job. Last year the Beiber & GaGa Meat Grammy's were so disgusting I swore I'd never watch again. but of course, i did. and wow, what a show!
And now selling vintage, the Grammy's are even more fun, music AND fashion!

I must admit i have a "school girl crush" on Bruno Mars. I've been a fan since he was a little Elvis in "Honeymoon in Vegas." He's just darling, his style in dress and music vintage, whether sporting a hat, or wearing his hair in a vintage 50s pompadour and his spats.
This Grammy show was great representing the various generations of music. Probably half the young audience has never seen Mick Jagger or Bob Dylan perform.

As always, it's great that all venues of music were represented, but the contrast of such things as Barbra Streisand performing, followed by Eminem receiving his Grammy was great.
I love both. I love Eminem and all he has done for Detroit as well as introduce rap to people that may have not listened to it. I would just like to see him smile ~ once! Did Streisand look fabulous with her classic bob curled and that great plum corset dress with chiffon? Classic old Hollywood glamour!
The music was wonderful this year. The fashion just "average".. Fellow Texan Jewell showed how to honor a baby bump with class:

Lingerie lover that I am, anything chiffon or ruffles usually excites me, but not even if Rihanna's dress were a nightgown:

and we have the overdose of leopard. a little goes a long way, John Paul G.

I was thrilled Esperanza and her fabulous jazz won best new artist, and beating out Justin Bieber ~ after all, he's really not "new"