The only thing "vintage" in this blog is the most loving and powerful poem. Written by a woman in 1932 to honor her WWI husband, so timeless it still holds true today.
We all have been touched in some way by war ~ some of us have had grandfathers who served in one of the World Wars or Korea, perhaps fathers who have served in Viet Nam, or children, cousins, relatives now serving our country.
As you get ready to kick off summer this Memorial Day weekend, pack your picnic basket, plan your parties, barbecues or head off to see your town's parade, please remember the reason we sadly celebrate this holiday.
And, enjoy this poem. I'm sure it will touch your heart as it did mine:
The Inscription
"Here lies an American Soldier
Known but to God."
As I read the words over softly
I said to myself, "how odd"!
For I knew the Unknown Soldier
Ever since he was a lad.
He was just an average boy
Neither too good or too bad.
He liked to play ball, and marbles
Climb trees, fish and swim.
Collect moths and arrowheads
Or whatever suited his whim.
I watched him grow to Manhood.
And fall in love with a fair-haired lass.
While half a war torn world away,
The cry was "They shall not pass".
I was there on the station platform
When he kissed his sweetheart goodbye
There--he started his journey
To a foreign land to die.
Letters came from oe'r the billows;
What a story they did tell!
Then the message-he was missing
In the Argonne's flaming hell.
Back across the restless ocean
To his own dear native shore.
they brought his broken body home,
Here to sleep for ever more.
Back and forth ,the sentry paces
With his firmly shouldered gun,
Ever guarding the sleep of the soldier
Called "Unknown" by every one.
But I know his name, so listen!
While I tell it to everyone.
He's not an Unknown Soldier
For his mother called him--Son.
~ Annabelle Gunnet Jones ~ written in 1932
Credit and a sidenote ~ as a former Michiganian, I listened with tears to now retired radio legend Dick Purtan read this poem on air for his listeners every Memorial Day. Thanks to Dick for sharing this powerful poem. You can read more about Mrs. Gunnet Jones and hear Dick read it on his website: