I confess. I absolutely love Peeps.. only the ones at Easter. They have to be yellow, and they have to be chickens. No bunny peeps, no bright neon colored chickens in blue or pink. absolutely NO gross orange pumpkin peeps at Halloween no green Christmas Trees or red hearts. Just yellow chickens, thank you. Yes, the others are darling, but I guess I'm a peep purist.

A huge chocoholic, I was thrilled to find chocolate covered peeps.. and grossed when I bit into one to see the bright yellow inside with the chocolate outside. Nope. Give me the originals and hold the chocolate please..

Recently I re-connected with an old friend on facebook, a vintage friend (had to get vintage in here somewhere, lol!) that I've known for 30+ years, but haven't seen in at least 20. The first thing Shelly posted on my wall? "Do you still love your peeps stale?" A funny thing to remember about me after all these years, I laughed. She knows me well. Please don't let peeps be my legacy.
Shelly's memory is correct. I like to open the package, let the little peeps "air dry" for a day and eat them a little crunchy. Not quite stale but crunchy. Then I eat the eyes, which are really only wax, despite thinking for years they were chocolate. Then the little tails, and next the heads. OK.. now you'll think I'm really crazy. Its just nice to have a chunk of marshmallow, the body left for savoring little bites.
A bit of peep trivia ~
•Sam Born began selling Peeps in the early 1920's. He sold them in a small grocery store he owned in New York, under a sign that read "Just Born".
•Today it only takes 6 minutes to make a peep.
•Yellow chicks are the favorite color (ha! i'm not alone!)! After yellow, the favorite color are- pink, lavender, blue, and white. Just food dye, they all taste the same.
•The average adult eats 5 peeps in one sitting.
•The shelf life of Peeps, if stored properly, is years.
•A single Peep has how only 32 calories
You can do more than just eat them plain ~

I also love the cult following of peep art:

Almost every city, every newspaper has an Annual Peeps Diorama contest ~ the creativity is just amazing! Here are a few winners:

Gentlemen prefer Peeps!

Chilean Peep Miners

Split Peep Soup

Peep 3 D show
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